Learn how to secure your account

published 2022-02-19 updated 2022-03-16
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A trusted sports betting site

At Betfamous, we prioritize and invest heavily in security.
Login information is always submitted encrypted using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. SSL protects information as it traverses the Internet.
Check that you are connected under https:// and that the domain is betfamous.com.
Note that we also use subdomains like that of the betting platform: https://app.betfamous.com.

security ssl betfamous

Our servers are hosted in places that are protected and secure against various attacks or potential disasters with an efficient system of redundancy and data replication.
We do not communicate any of your data to third parties. see privacy policy

How to manage my password ?

For all password management, you must use the procedures available on our website. We do not have access to your passwords and we will never ask you for them.
To recover a lost password, you must have access to your email linked to your Betfamous account.
Choosing a strong password is important to secure access to your account. Do not communicate it to anyone.

Increase the protection of my game account

You can add even more protections by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA).
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security for your Betfamous account.
When enabled, 2FA requires an additional 4-digit PIN code when logging in.
If you lose this code, it is necessary to contact the support by email.

Security of your funds

We take great care to protect our clients’ assets against loss.
This is why funds are mostly stored in cold wallets (offline storage).
Your bet balance is in stablecoin (indexed to USD) to avoid the volatility of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Click here to see our deposit methods
We ask you to always check the accuracy of the addresses for deposits or withdrawals in cryptocurrency. In the event of an error, the funds will not reach the recipient account and these transfers are irreversible in the blockchains.

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