October 2022 sports betting challenge with free entry and $100 prizepool

October 2022 sports betting challenge with free entry and $100 prizepool
Published 2022-09-30
Updated 2022-09-30

Do you enjoy betting on sports?

Do you want the chance to win a prizepool without risking any of your own money? Our sports betting challenge is the perfect opportunity for you! Participate for free and have a chance to win a share of our $100 prize pool. This is a great opportunity for any bettors looking to improve their skills and compete against others for a chance to win a prizepool.

A wide variety of sports bets

There's more to sports betting than just placing a bet on who you think is going to win the match. You can also bet on things like how many goals will be scored, what the final score will be, and so on. And you don't have to wait until the match is over to place your bets either - with in-play betting, you can place bets while the action is unfolding. This adds an extra level of excitement to sports like football, tennis, basketball, ice hockey and cricket.

Pre-match betting odds are set before a game starts, and they can be used to bet on the outcome of the game, including which team will win, how many goals will be scored, and so on. In-play betting takes place during the game, and odds are updated in real time to reflect what is happening on the pitch. This means you can place bets on events that have not yet happened. Both pre-match and in-play betting have their own advantages, so it really depends on your personal preferences which one you choose.

Invite your friends into the game

The prizepool for this event is 100 USD in stablecoin or another cryptocurrency. However, if the number of participants is less than 25, the prizepool will be reduced to 25 USD. If the number of participants is between 25 and 50, the prizepool will be 50 USD. So, invite your friends to join in order to help reach the threshold for the maximum prizepool. The more people that participate, the more fun the event will be! Thanks for your help in making this event a success.

The social importance of the competition

At Betfamous, we believe that social betting is the wave of the future. That's why we ask all of our users to share our posts on social networks. Like Facebook and Twitter, by clicking the share button at the top. Or others like Instagram, Pinterest, Telegram by copying and pasting the link of this article . By doing so, you help us spread the word about Betfamous and increase our chances of becoming the leading social betting site. Plus, it's a great way to let your friends know about our awesome contests. Speaking of contests, remember that one of the rules of this betting challenge is to share the article on social media. So make sure you do that before you enter!

A fair betting platform

Sports betting is a popular way to earn money, but it can be difficult to know if the games are fair. Our betting tournament website uses blockchain technology to record bets and ensure fair gameplay. By storing bets in the blockchain, we create a permanent record that can be used to verify the integrity of our website. This means that you can check the history of bets to see that they have been fair and transparent. As a result, you can be confident that our website provides a fair and safe environment for sports betting. Thanks to the blockchain, we can ensure that our tournaments are fair and transparent. so you can focus on winning!

Chatbox and support

If you need help or assistance with anything on the betting platform, you can discuss with other players in the chatbox or contact our support team by email. Our support team is always happy to help and will reply to your enquiries as soon as possible. You can also send private messages to other players on the platform if you need help with something specific. Whatever your enquiry, we are here to help and will do our best to assist you in any way we can.

Challenge rules and details

Challenge ID: 1092
Challenge name: "Free entry tournament October 2022 with 100 USD"

Join Now

Our General Terms and conditions apply to this challenge

  • We accept only one account per person or household
  • You can enter the tournament until the end of October
  • Prize pool is paid in cryptocurrency like bitcoin or stablecoin
  • You can buy add-ons
  • No condition of withdrawal of the prize won
  • If +100 participants=> Prizepool $100, if between 50 and 100=> $50, if less than 25=> $25
  • Prizepool divided by 2 if this article is not shared on social networks before the end of the tournament - A proof of this sharing is requested
  • Standard ranking applied for the payout, see here
social betting tournaments

Sports betting challenges


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